What Are We Really Teaching Our Kids?

What Are We Really Teaching Our Kids? by @andrewdkaufman #teaching #learning #COVID

I published this article in Inside Higher Ed in September 2020. Even though it addresses the crisis in education brought about by both COVID and the George Floyd tragedy, its message seems highly relevant to our current climate, as well: What or why to teach are more important considerations than how to teach if we are to…

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How I Learned to Get Out of My Own Way as a Teacher

How I Learned to Get Out of My Own Way as a Teacher by @andrewdkaufman #teacher #teaching #college

For years as a college teacher, I thought I knew my subject. When it came time to creating the syllabus for my introduction to Russian literature class, I did what most professors do: I decided which novels, stories, and poems I needed to cover in a matter of fourteen weeks, divided the total number by…

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3 Critical Skills Every College Student Needs to Change the World

3 Critical Skills Every College Student Needs to Change the World by @andrewdkaufman #collegestudent #creativity #resilience #empathy

Globalization. Diversity. The future of work. The fate of our democracy. For years these topics have dominated national conversations not just in the professional and political worlds, but also on college campuses where teachers and administrators are—or should be—thinking hard about how well we’re equipping the next generations of students for the world they’re about…

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