3 Critical Skills Every College Student Needs to Change the World

3 Critical Skills Every College Student Needs to Change the World by @andrewdkaufman #collegestudent #creativity #resilience #empathy

Globalization. Diversity. The future of work. The fate of our democracy. For years these topics have dominated national conversations not just in the professional and political worlds, but also on college campuses where teachers and administrators are—or should be—thinking hard about how well we’re equipping the next generations of students for the world they’re about…

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Why Teachers Must Bring Humanity to The Classroom

Why Teachers Must Bring Humanity to The Classroom by @andrewdkaufman #classroom #teaching #humanity

The Metamorphosis in the Classroom The Metamorphosis happens sometime between the moment when John Smith exits his car in the college parking lot, treks across the beautiful grassy campus, enters the building where he’s about to engage in something called Teaching, and finally, steps foot into the Classroom where said Teaching will take place. The…

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