Why Giving Everyone a Second Chance Is Important

Why Giving Everyone a Second Chance Is Important by @andrewdkaufman #SecondChance #giving #everyone

Which crimes deserve to be punished by incarceration is a question that’s getting a lot of attention right now. And rightly so, as 2.3 million people are now living in America’s state and federal prison system. While reducing this number is an ongoing concern, everyone can agree on one thing — once someone is released…

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Here’s Why Creativity is More Important Than Ever

Here's Why Creativity is More Important Than Ever by @AndrewDKaufman #creativity #students #classroom

What kind of career comes to mind when you think of creativity? Maybe acting, writing, or filmmaking? In the past, these have been described as the “creative fields,” as opposed to disciplines like business, law, math, or science. You don’t hear them described that way quite as often anymore, but the implication that creativity isn’t…

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What Do Grades Mean And Why Are They Important To Us?

What Do Grades Mean And Why Are They Important To Us? by @andrewdkaufman #grades #teaching #students #important

What Do Grades Mean? With so many changes in the classroom over the last year, it’s understandable that some teachers might not be excited to dive into the debate of how we grade students. For many, it’s a process that they have developed over years of trial and error, and asking them to reexamine their…

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As Educators, What Can We Learn from the Attack on the Capitol?

As Educators, What Can We Learn from the Attack on the Capitol? by @AndrewDKaufman #Capitol #politics #Constitution #educators

A week after protesters stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6, the pictures are still hard to fathom. While peaceful demonstrations are rightfully a part of life in Washington, this incident is unlike anything we’ve seen in two centuries. The Senate chamber was breached by people wearing combat gear and carrying zip ties. A Confederate…

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It’s Time to Reinstate Voting Rights for Former Felons

It's Time to Reinstate Voting Rights for Former Felons by @AndrewDKaufman #voting #VotingRights #felons

Since 1972, roughly 50-55% of eligible voters have cast their votes in proceeding elections. But there is one group of people who, in some cases, will never be able to vote.  Voting Rights for Former Felons While some states have been working towards reinstating voting rights for formerly incarcerated felons, in many cases, these people…

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